Best 5 Superfoods that can give you Beautiful Hair in No time in 2017 | 24 Shopping Bazaar |

Best 5 Superfoods That can Give you Beautiful and Silky Hair – Everybody wants beautiful and Silky hair, because hair plays a major role in our overall personality . I am going to tell you about 5 Ultimate Superfoods that can get you Beautiful and Silky hair. Some of the Most Common problems regarding hair that we face in our daily life are Hair loss, dry and brittle hair, rough hair etc .There are various reasons behind these hair problems, such as using wrong hair care product, genetics, lack of hair care, stress, underlying illnesses etc. We often use various Hair Packs , hair masks , shampoos and many things to improve our hair texture, shine and overall health. Some even go to Expensive Salons and Parlours for their hair problems . Some of them do work to a certain extent, but we do not get the desired result.Why? Because they do not follow a proper diet . What we eat has direct impact on our skin, health and hair. So, if you are not eating proper diet and eating junk food , even endless amount of topical hair treatments would not work properly . Below are  Top 5 Superfoods to Get Beautiful Hair.



To get lovely hair, we should eat lots of products with rich source of protein daily and egg is the most easily accessible and great protein rich product. Our hair is made of keratin which is basically a sort of protein. The protein in eggs are extremely valuable for hair development and our solid hair. Eggs also contains biotin which is a kind of B vitamin and it is exceptionally important to get silky hair. Eggs prevents hair loss and improves overall scalp health which then results in gorgeous and healthy looks. Eggs are additionally rich in Iron which Gives oxygen to the hair Follicles and accordingly, hair grow Longer and Quicker and get Silkier as well .You can eat an egg regular or possibly every other day to get lovely hair.


You must have heard that carrots are great for our eyesight. But Carrots can also give us Healthier Hair and Gorgeous Looks as it contains high amounts of vitamin A . Vitamin A improves our scalp health which is essential to get Beautiful hair. Carrots are very effective to energize dull and dry hair. It can also prevent hair loss. So You Should include Carrot in your daily diet , in your Salad or as a Fruit . If you don't Like to eat Carrot , you can also get all its Benefits by Drinking Carrot Juice .


Nuts like almonds, cashews, walnuts etc are a great way to have fabulous and gorgeous hair. Among all These, Almonds Contains High amounts of Zinc and improves blood circulation in the scalp which is a must to get beautiful silkier hair. The High Level of omega-3 Fatty acids in almonds boost shine and add bounce to the hair. Almonds are a rich source of Vitamin E which prevents split ends and promotes hair growth. You can eat dry roasted almonds as your daily snack whenever you feel hungry. Or just soak 2-3 almonds in some water overnight and peel them in the morning and then have them along with your breakfast.

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